Friday, May 1, 2015

The Friday Four, Part 116


Last Sunday was the third annual Faith Feast with SpokaneFAVS!


We started the evening at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox with an amazing spread of Greek appetizers including hummus, roasted red peppers, and olives with pita bread; dolma (deliciousness wrapped in a grape leaf), and incredible baklava.  Nick, the chef, claimed it was his first time making baklava ever, so it must come naturally with the Greek blood. ;)

Their sanctuary is gorgeous and colorful, full of fantastic stained glass and bold iconography. Father Stephen and Deacon Timothy commented that you never feel alone there!


The Spokane Central Seventh Day Adventist congregation welcomed us warmly at our next stop. They had impressive displays set up showing their many ministries including God's Closet, a TV station, a radio station, and humanitarian outreach in India and Nepal.

Their entree offerings were entirely vegetarian, including "meat"balls and "chicken" that were really good!

After a filling dinner, we moved up to their sanctuary, completely different from Holy Trinity, but beautiful and welcoming in its simplicity.


We ended the evening at Salem Lutheran Church. Homemade strawberry shortcake topped of the progressive meal perfectly.

Because we're still in the Easter season, their bright, open sanctuary is decked out in white.  I also love that they rearranged the pews so the altar is in the middle with seating all around, indicating a more central and involved congregation.

It was a fabulous evening full of wonderful food, listening, and learning, and I can't wait to do it again next year!

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