Today is the last day to enter my giveaway for a paperback copy of Project Conversion: One Man, 12 Faiths, One Year by Andrew Bowen. The giveaway ends at midnight! It's really easy...just comment, like or friend...check out the rules here and get it done before it's too late!
One unexpected advantage of having a whole row of fake, removable teeth in front is that I cannot bite my fingernails. (I actually can't bite anything with those front teeth, which means I've had to adjust my eating habits quite a bit and that's been annoying, but it's still Lent, so I'm focusing on the positive!) It's a bad habit I've had since I was little, but as I am literally unable to gnaw on my nails currently, maybe I'll actually be able to break the nasty habit this time...
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to create an Easter program for our stake (for those not familiar with LDS terms, that's similar to a diocese - several local congregations together make up a stake), including conducting our stake choir. In the process I discovered some amazing music that touched me and helped me feel the meaning of Easter more deeply. The piece I keep coming back to this week is an arrangement of "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" by Gilbert Martin. Brings me to tears every time. There are several renditions on youtube; here's one I enjoyed:
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!"
So, have I mentioned that this is your last chance to get in on the drawing for your very own copy of Project Conversion: One Man, 12 Faiths, One Year? If you haven't already, go here and comment, or go here and like my brand new Facebook page for Build Enough Bookshelves and then go back to the giveaway post and comment, or click on the "Join this site" button on the right sidebar to become a Google Friend of Build Enough Bookshelves and then go back to the giveaway post and comment. Or do all three and triple your chances of winning! Right now, before you forget and miss out!
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